Sunday, 6 December 2015

December Ikebukuro Singing

Our next monthly singing in Ikebukuro will be December 17th.

As usual, all are welcome to sing or listen - though we recommend singing!  No reservation or audition is necessary, and it's completely free.  We go through the songs part-by-part, so it's a great place to start if you've never sung or sight-read before.

Hope to see you there!

For more information see our flyer below, and please pass it on to all and sundry!

Sunday, 29 November 2015




Thursday, 19 November 2015

Upcoming Singings (winter 2015-16)

We've confirmed the following dates for winter 2015-16:

December 17th
January 21st
February 18th

As always, we'll meet at the Ikebukuro Anglican Church (池袋聖公会) from 7-9pm.

Peter should be there from about 6:30, so please feel free to stop by early if you'd like to help set up.  If you've got time afterwards, please join us for a drink nearby.

Friday, 30 October 2015

Shape-Note Singing School/図形音符の手法ワークショップ Nov 23, 2015年11月23日

Setagaya City
Aiken-style 7-shape notes

English below (Registration deadline extended till day of event.)



楽譜が上手に読めない人でも大丈夫。図形音符で書かれているので誰でもやさしく楽譜が読めます。 アメリカのアラバマ州芸術協議会から民俗芸術家と認定されたティム・クック氏が歌のワークショップを行います。

図形音符というのは初見で音符が読めるよう、1800年頃アメリカで考案されたものです。 特に教会の賛美歌でよく使われてました。アカペラ四部合唱に興味がある方もない方も大歓迎です。ハーモニーがとても美しいですよ。詳細は以下:

    京王井の頭線 池ノ上駅下車 徒歩3分
電話:(03) 3413-9504
入場:無料。但し、事前に申し込みが必要。下記の項目をメール、 にてお送りください。

Listen to shape-note singing. Recording of "Fish Pond" from the 2012 Georgia State Christian Harmony Singing Convention

Sing American Four-Part Harmony in Tokyo!

Learn shape notes, the easy way to sight-sing music! Alabama shape-note singing school master, Tim Cook, will teach a singing workshop in early American shape notes, sponsored by the Setagaya Ward Ikenoue Youth Center, on November 23. Mostly used in old American hymnals, shape notes themselves can be used to sing virtually any music at all.

Although the workshop is free, participants are asked to apply. To do so, you must provide

    Your name
    Phone number

which you may email to Alternatively, you can mail in or fax the form posted at this link. Date, time, and place are as follows:

    Monday, November 23 (a national holiday)
    7:00-9:00 pm
    Ikenoue Youth Center (Ikenoue Seishounen Kaikan)
    2-37-18, Daizawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
    Map here.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

November Ikebukuro Singing

Our next monthly singing in Ikebukuro will be November 19th.

As usual, all are welcome to sing or listen - though we recommend singing!  No reservation or audition is necessary, and it's completely free.  We go through the songs part-by-part, so it's a great place to start if you've never sung or sight-read before.

Hope to see you there!

Please spread our flyer far and wide!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Sunday in the Park

Thanks for coming out to sing tonight!

Our next chance to meet isn't far off: let's meet in Yoyogi Park this Sunday, the 18th, to sing and have a small picnic. You can think of it as Sacred Harp and a very literal "dinner on the ground"!

Let's meet at 2pm in front of the entrance to Meiji Shrine, next to Harajuku Station.  There's an open paved area just at the end of Jingubashi, the bridge leading from the station to the shrine that is usually swarming with cosplayers.  

Somewhere around here:

Please bring some food and drink to share, and perhaps some eating utensils.  I'll bring a tarp to sit on, but please bring another one along if you've got one.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, 5 October 2015

October Singing

Our monthly singing is on October 15th, in just over a week!  It will be at the usual time (7-9pm) and place (the Ikebukuro Anglican Church).

Everyone is welcome, and the more the merrier, so please download our flyer and pass it on to all and sundry.

See you next week!

Monday, 28 September 2015

Upcoming Singings (autumn 2015)

We've confirmed the following dates for autumn 2015:

October 15th
November 19th
December 17th

As always, we'll meet at the Ikebukuro Anglican Church (池袋聖公会) from 7-9pm.

Peter should be there from about 6:30, so please feel free to stop by early if you'd like to help set up.  If you've got time afterwards, please join us for a drink nearby.

Welcome to the official Tokyo Sacred Harp blog!

セイクレッド・ハープとは、音符を形で表した楽譜を使った賛美歌 集のひとつであり、アカペラ四部合唱で力強く歌うアメリカで古く から伝わる歌い方である。最近世界のあちこちでリバイバルされつ つある。


The Sacred Harp is a collection of early American sacred songs written in shape notes and sung in robust, unaccompanied four-part harmony. In recent years, it is enjoying a revival all over the world, and has now come to Tokyo. All are welcome to sing or listen

If you're new to the Sacred Harp, there's lots of useful information and resources on

Please stop by here often to find the latest information about shape note singing in Japan.
You can also find us on FaceBook.

Happy singing!