Friday, 22 April 2016

Sacred Harp Lecture at ICU

【5/20 (Fri.) Open Lecture with workshop】
"American Sacred Harp Singing"
May 20 (Fri.) 18:00 〜20:00 at ICU Chapel  

Lecturer: Tim Cook, Conductor of shape-note workshops and singing of the Sacred Harp

Lecture in English and Japanese Admission Free
Everyone is welcome to sing or listen. No experience necessary.

2016年5月20日(金)18:00 〜20:00 大学礼拝堂
講師:ティム・クック (セイクレッド・ハープ研究家)

 19 世紀初頭、アメリカ南部の農村や西部開拓地では、合唱を教える移動式の歌唱学校(Singing School) が流行し、定期的に合唱会(Singing)が開催され、力強いアカペラ4 部合唱が楽しまれていました。合唱会で使われていたのが分厚い長方形の歌集(Song book) で、その楽譜には三角、四角、菱形、円のシェイプ・ノート(Shape note) と言われる音符が用いられています。1844 年に出版された『セイクレッド・ハープ(The Sacred Harp)』は代表的な歌集で、それに因み、この歌唱法を セイクレッド・ハープと呼ぶようになりました。
*The Sacred Harp is a collection of early American sacred songs
written in shape notes and sung in robust, unaccompanied four-part harmony.

From Facebook page of
ICU Sacred Music Center/国際基督教大学宗教音楽センター

Sunday, 3 April 2016

All-purpose flyer

For every time our monthly singing is on the third Thursday of the month, which is most of the time, here's our flyer formatted so as to not have to keep updating it. Post widely. Thanks.

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Upcoming Singings (April to July 2016)

Here are the dates for our upcoming third Thursday singings in Ikebukuro:

April 21st
May 19th
June 16th
July 21st

Newcomers are always welcome, books are provided, it's completely free, and no experience is necessary, so please don't hesitate to join us even if you've never sung in public before! 

As always, we'll meet at the Ikebukuro Anglican Church (池袋聖公会) from 7-9pm.  We're not stritct about time, so just stop by whenever you can.  At least one of us will be there from about 6:30, so you're also welcome to come early to help set up or just chat.
We'll also be singing on May 20th as part of International Christian University's "C Week".  We'll post more information about this event soon...