日本語での詳しい説明は省略してありすみません。7月7日(土)日中に下北沢駅北口前広場のしもきたスクエアで行う下北沢音楽祭でビートルズの "She Loves Me" を一緒に歌ってくれる方は下記のリンクに行くと楽譜が見られ、又各パートの音源もあり練習ができます。(ちょっとうけを狙って)ビートルズを音符で歌うというおもしろい試みに参加してみませんか。
Pardon my encroaching on this Sacred Harp page to post such anathema as The Beatles in shape notes, but I've always said if a song can be written in notes, it can be written in shape notes, and if you can get people to sing their music in shape notes, you'll have more people to sing your music in shape notes. One of our singers, Keiichi Ogawa, asked us if we could sing "She Loves You" in four-part seven-shape shape notes for a music festival in Shimokitazawa on the day of our July Christian Harmony singing, Saturday, July 7, and I answered the way my generous grandmother always answered: "Why not?" So, in that ecumenical spirit, I'm posting here the hard work of another singer, Hideyo Takada, who went to the bother of finding an acappella version of the song, and open source software (the almighty MuseScore) to transpose it into shape notes and generate synthesized audio files for each part separately and combined. If you'll be anywhere near Tokyo on July 7, we'd love for you to join us in Shimokita Square (north exit of Shimokitazawa Station) in the afternoon, and then at our regularly scheduled first Saturday Christian Harmony singing at 5:00. Just practice with the below links and at our June Christian Harmony singing, Saturday, June 2.
"She Loves You" sheet music in shape notes for four parts
"She Loves You" - treble audio
"She Loves You" - alto audio
"She Loves You" - tenor audio
"She Loves You" - bass audio
"She Loves You" - all parts audio
Compare to "She Loves You" sung by the Beatles
I think we may just make history being the first people anywhere to ever publicly perform the Beatles in shape notes. Come make history with us!
Tim Cook