English below.
ビートルズの「She Loves You」を歌ってから、教会の讃美歌や日本の昔の曲を歌うという一貫性がない支離滅裂なプログラムかもしれません。唯一の共通点は声の限りに全力で歌う(叫ぶ?)のです。どうぞ、お聴きにいらしてください。お祭りだから飛び入り参加もありです。前もって練習したい方は、当日11:00に音楽祭のミュージックラウンジとして指定されている「下北沢ナザレン教会」に集合してください。尚、第一土曜17:00に定期開催されている歌の会も同日あります。詳細は https://shimokita-fes.com/28th/
Shape-note singers on stage at the Shimokitazawa Music Festival, Sat, July 7, 12:35-12:55 pm, in Shimokita Square at the north exit of Shimokitazawa Station in Tokyo.
We'll be singing church hymns, old Japanese songs, and yes, "She Loves You" by the Beatles. That might sound like an incoherent lineup, but the thing tying it all together is we'll be singing at the top of our lungs. Come out to listen, and if the spirit moves you, join in (It's a festival after all). If you want to practice ahead of time, meet us that day at 11:00 am in Shimokitazawa Church of the Nazarene, designated by the festival as its "music lounge." And if you stick around till the evening, join us for our regularly-scheduled First Saturday Shape-Note Singing at 5:00 pm at the church. See https://tinyurl.com/shimokita-sing2018