Thursday, 7 September 2023

9月三鷹台、歌の会キャンセル/Sept Mitakadai singing canceled



Sorry to report that Tokyo shape-note singings for all of September are canceled after all. The 2nd Saturday singing cancellation was mentioned earlier, but because of booking conflicts at the location of the 4th Sunday singing, we have to cancel that as well.

So, let's all look forward to seeing everyone's smiling faces and blending with everyone's hearty voices in the cooler month of October.

Take care in the approaching typhoon.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

9月9日(土)下北沢歌の会、キャンセル/Sept 9 Shimokitazawa Singing Canceled

 9月9日(土)下北沢ナザレン教会、Christian Harmony(七図形音符)歌の会は都合により残念ながらキャンセルとなりました。

9月第4日曜、三鷹台(St. Margaret's Church/聖マーガレット教会)の歌の会も日時に変更がある予定です。分かり次第、お伝えします。

Sorry to have to announce that, due to the absence of several people, the 2nd Saturday Christian Harmony/Seven-Shape Singing at Shimikitazawa Church of the Nazarene will be canceled for September 9.

Also, there will be a change in the 4th Sunday Sacred Harp at St. Margaret's Church in Mitakadai in either the date and time or the location or both. We will announce the change as soon as it is worked out. Thanks.