Monday, 26 February 2024

第2土曜七図形歌の会、3/9, 2nd Sat. 7-Shape Singing

English below



いつもと同じようにクリスチャンハーモニーを歌いますが、以前の投稿が紹介した「七図形音符で書かれた 101 曲の選曲集」も歌る予定です。開けると各曲をクリックすれば他のサイトに誘導されてその曲が再生できますから、何か特に気に入ったらそれを3月9日にリクエストを気軽にどうぞ!きっと楽しめるでしょう。

地図はこちらMap here

The next Second Saturday Seven-Shape Singing will be on March 9.

5:00-7:00 p.m.
Shimokitazawa Church of the Nazarene
6-7-21, Daita, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

We’ll sing from the Christian Harmony as usual, but also from 101 Random Songs and Hymns in Shape Notes described in the previous post. You can play the songs in the collection, so if anything grabs you, you can request that we sing it on March 9. Wouldn’t that be fun?!!!

Sunday, 25 February 2024

English below




I recently started an awfully ambitious project of putting songs I like into shape notes, and once I reached 101 songs, I thought I’d collect them into one document, which is linked above as a PDF. I’ll be introducing it at our monthly seven-shape singing in Shimokitawa. Most of them are in English, but a quarter are in Japanese and I have one each in Korean, Russian, Croatian, Hawaiian, and Solomons Pidgin. Around half the songs are religious and the rest are just regular songs. By “regular,” I still mean most of them are over a hundred years old, and the ones that aren’t feel that way.

I’ll look into how much 101 songs, plus the front matter and back matter might cost, but if one sheet is around 10 yen, then I assume the whole thing would cost around 1,000 yen. Add some kind of rudimentary binding and I’m sure it will be more. I’ll let people know how much after I do some research. In any case, I intend to sell it for whatever it costs me to print, so if you want to download it and print it out yourself, be my guest.

Tim Cook

Wednesday, 14 February 2024

セイクリッド・ハープ、2月18日(日)・Sacred Harp, Sunday, February 18



地図はこちら・map here

This Sunday, we'll be singing Sacred Harp in the same place at the same time as last month. As always, we look forward to enjoying you sing with us.

Sunday, February 18
3:30-5:30 p.m.
St. Alban’s Anglican-Episcopal Church
3-6-25, Shiba Kōen, Minato-ku, Tokyo