English below
アカペラ四部合唱の集いです。毎月第2土曜、図形音符歌の会にみなさまの声をお待ちしております。英語と日本語で歌いますが、英語で歌うのに自信のない方がいらしたら歌う前に言葉と発音を練習します。楽譜は初見で読めるようにアメリカの図形音符で記載。歌う歌集はクリスチャン・ハーモニー(Christian Harmony)と小生が編集した選曲集。興味のある方、下記のサイトに行くと楽譜と合成音声のリンクがあるので、歌の会に行かれる前に気になった曲が聴けます。大勢の人とハモって歌うのは大きな喜び、心身の健康にも間違いなしでしょう。
Lovers of making harmony, greetings.
We singers of the monthly 2nd-Saturday shape-note singing eagerly await joining our voices with yours. We sing in English and Japanese, but for anyone not confident in their English, we do a quick review of words and pronunciation. The music is written in shape notes so we can even sing songs we’ve never seen before. Songs are from the Christian Harmony at a collection of songs that yours truly compiled. If you’re interested, then before the singing, go to the above websites with links to synthesized voices of the songs. Harmonizing your voice with many others is one of life’s pleasures, and it does wonders for your physical, mental, and spiritual health too.
Date: Saturday, April 13
Time: 5:00-7:00 p.m.
Place: Shimokitazawa Church of the Nazarene
Address: 6-7-21, Daita, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo (map here)
Tim Cook