Thursday, 27 December 2018

Monthly Singings in 2019年月例歌の会の予定

Our regular monthly singing schedule in 2019 will stay the same from 2018. That is

毎月第1土曜日 Christian Harmony – First Saturday of the month
In 2019年:1/5、2/2、3/2、4/6、5/4、6/1、7/6、8/3、9/7、10/5、11/2、12/7
午後5:00-7:00 PM
下北沢ナザレン教会  Shimokitazawa Church of the Nazarene
チラシはこちら Flyer here

毎月第3木曜日(8月は休みとなります。)Sacred Harp – Third Thursday of the month*
*No Sacred Harp singing in August
In 2019年:1/17, 2/21, 3/21, 4/18, 5/16, 6/20, 7/18, 9/19, 10/7, 11/21, 12/19
午後7:00-9:00 PM
池袋聖公会  Ikebukuro Anglican Church
チラシはこちら Flyer here

!いっしょに歌いましょう!Come sing with us!

Saturday, 23 June 2018

下北沢音楽祭/Shimokitazawa Music Festival

English below. 7月7日(土)、我々「図形音符・アカペラ混声合唱の会」は下北沢音楽祭に出場します!しもきたスクエア(下北沢駅北口正面)で出番は12:35~12:55。 ビートルズの「She Loves You」を歌ってから、教会の讃美歌や日本の昔の曲を歌うという一貫性がない支離滅裂なプログラムかもしれません。唯一の共通点は声の限りに全力で歌う(叫ぶ?)のです。どうぞ、お聴きにいらしてください。お祭りだから飛び入り参加もありです。前もって練習したい方は、当日11:00に音楽祭のミュージックラウンジとして指定されている「下北沢ナザレン教会」に集合してください。尚、第一土曜17:00に定期開催されている歌の会も同日あります。詳細は Shape-note singers on stage at the Shimokitazawa Music Festival, Sat, July 7, 12:35-12:55 pm, in Shimokita Square at the north exit of Shimokitazawa Station in Tokyo. We'll be singing church hymns, old Japanese songs, and yes, "She Loves You" by the Beatles. That might sound like an incoherent lineup, but the thing tying it all together is we'll be singing at the top of our lungs. Come out to listen, and if the spirit moves you, join in (It's a festival after all). If you want to practice ahead of time, meet us that day at 11:00 am in Shimokitazawa Church of the Nazarene, designated by the festival as its "music lounge." And if you stick around till the evening, join us for our regularly-scheduled First Saturday Shape-Note Singing at 5:00 pm at the church. See

Saturday, 12 May 2018

"She Loves You" in Shape Notes

日本語での詳しい説明は省略してありすみません。7月7日(土)日中に下北沢駅北口前広場のしもきたスクエアで行う下北沢音楽祭でビートルズの "She Loves Me" を一緒に歌ってくれる方は下記のリンクに行くと楽譜が見られ、又各パートの音源もあり練習ができます。(ちょっとうけを狙って)ビートルズを音符で歌うというおもしろい試みに参加してみませんか。
Pardon my encroaching on this Sacred Harp page to post such anathema as The Beatles in shape notes, but I've always said if a song can be written in notes, it can be written in shape notes, and if you can get people to sing their music in shape notes, you'll have more people to sing your music in shape notes. One of our singers, Keiichi Ogawa, asked us if we could sing "She Loves You" in four-part seven-shape shape notes for a music festival in Shimokitazawa on the day of our July Christian Harmony singing, Saturday, July 7, and I answered the way my generous grandmother always answered: "Why not?" So, in that ecumenical spirit, I'm posting here the hard work of another singer, Hideyo Takada, who went to the bother of finding an acappella version of the song, and open source software (the almighty MuseScore) to transpose it into shape notes and generate synthesized audio files for each part separately and combined. If you'll be anywhere near Tokyo on July 7, we'd love for you to join us in Shimokita Square (north exit of Shimokitazawa Station) in the afternoon, and then at our regularly scheduled first Saturday Christian Harmony singing at 5:00. Just practice with the below links and at our June Christian Harmony singing, Saturday, June 2.

"She Loves You" sheet music in shape notes for four parts

"She Loves You" - treble audio

"She Loves You" - alto audio

"She Loves You" - tenor audio

"She Loves You" - bass audio

"She Loves You" - all parts audio

Compare to "She Loves You" sung by the Beatles

I think we may just make history being the first people anywhere to ever publicly perform the Beatles in shape notes. Come make history with us!

Tim Cook

Monday, 23 April 2018

GW Singing in Yoyogi Park

Golden Week is almost upon us, so come and sing with us on Friday May 4th in Yoyogi Park!

While we're there, let's have a picnic as well, so please bring a little food and drink to share, and a picnic blanket if you've got one. Peter will bring cups, plates and chopsticks, so no need to bring those.

We'll plan to meet at 12:00 noon on the bridge between the park and Harajuku station, and then go to find a place in the park where we can make some noise. If you're going to arrive late, that's no problem at all, but please message or call Peter or Tim to find our exact location.  We'll plan to sing until 4:00, before perhaps moving indoors somewhere.

As always, everyone is welcome to sing!  We'll even be encouraging passersby to join us, so you never know who will be there...

If it rains, we'll meet at Peter's place (near Musashiseki station) instead.

If this is your first encounter with Sacred Harp, you can find more information by following these links:

First Time at a Sacred Harp Singing?


We hope to sing with you soon! 

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Missionary Chant/世界平和

現在うっとりしている曲です。今度の下北沢の図形音符合唱の会でみなさんに日本語で歌ってもらいたいと思います。図形音符の伝統と無関係の曲ですが私たちの会が歌えるために図形音符に書き直しました。前もって練習しようとすれば下のリンクをクリックしてください。練習のためだけです。ロボットが歌っています。 日時:3月3日、5~7時 場所:下北沢ナザレン教会 東京都世田谷区代田6-7-21 電話: 03-3468-2702
Ever since I heard this song, it's gripped me and won't let go. Here's a synthesized (by me) version of it, which I want to try in Japanese this coming Saturday at the Shimokitazawa singing. If you're going and you'd like to practice beforehand, you can go to the YouTube page, which will also have a link to the sheet music in shape notes. The tune is called Missionary Chant. It's not in any shape-note book, but like any music written in notes, the notes can be changed to shape notes, which, if you don't already know round notes, is much easier to learn. All the Japanese has romaji above it for anyone who needs it.

Saturday, 20 January 2018

第1土曜「図形音符合唱の会」/First Saturday Shape-Note Singing

English below




Announcing the First Saturday Shape-Note Singing (click link above for flyer with directions and map). We sing mainly from the Christian Harmony, but add old songs from Japan and other countries, all transposed into seven shapes!

The 1st Saturday of the month, 5:00-7:00 pm
Next singing: Saturday, April 7, 2018
Location: Shimokitazawa Church of the Nazarene
     6-7-21 Daita, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

Through the ingenious device of shape notes, large groups can sight-sing in four-part a cappella with a harmony that makes your spirit soar. Relieves stress too! We look forward to singing with you.

Thursday, 11 January 2018

January Singing at St Alban's

We're branching out to include more weekend events at other venues!  Here's some information about the next Sacred Harp singing:

Date: Sunday, 28th January
Time: 1:30-3:00pm
Location: St Alban's Anglican Church 
3-6-25 Shiba Koen Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0011

We're especially happy to welcome new people who have wanted to give shape notes a try, but haven't been able to come to our Thursday night singings in Ikebukuro. If you're in Tokyo and have a couple of hours to spare on Sunday, the 28th - please join us!

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Ikebukuro monthly singing dates for 2018

Here are the dates for our upcoming third Thursday Sacred Harp singings in Ikebukuro for 2018:

January 18th
February 15th
March 15th
April 19th
May 17th
June 21st
July 19th
August (vacation)
September 20th
October 18th
November 15th
December TBC 

We meet at the Ikebukuro Anglican Church (池袋聖公会) from 7-9pm.  We're not strict about time, so just stop by whenever you can.

Online flyer with directions and map here:

As always, newcomers are welcome, books are provided, no experience is necessary, and it's free!   

If this is your first encounter with Sacred Harp, please take a look at the following links for more information:

First Time at a Sacred Harp Singing?


We hope to sing with you soon!